00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
“I made $27,000 in 3 days using what I learned”- Dr. Brian Brown
Founder of Genesis Zone(tm) Advantage
“I made $27,000 in 3 days using what I learned”
- Dr. Brian Brown
Founder of Genesis Zone(tm) Advantage
We know you are busy so we'll make this quick...
  • A tired, worn out health practitioner who is good at what you do. 
  • ​Overwhelmed with countless questions and a lack of clarity about your direction.
  • ​Frustrated not knowing how to reach your ideal clients or how to make effective sales calls.
  • ​Feeling stuck in your business and fear of failure looming over you.
  • ​But yearn for something more beyond your day-to-day patient/client care.
  • The master of you - clients are coming and going in unpredictable ways.
  • ​You don’t know how to forecast future earnings or expenses to make informed decisions.
  • ​The shotgun approach to getting clients has worked to get your business up and running but now you need to scale.
  • ​You've bumped up against the time for money ceiling.
  • ​You are afraid you’re burning out not having the time, energy or know-how to change things.
  • A steady stream of awesome clients, who are fun to work with, and who are committed to results.
  • ​Leverage in your business so your time isn’t required for everything to earn your next dollar. 
  • ​You don’t want to always be THE ONE to do the work.
  • ​And you want financial and time freedom - no longer feeling like a slave to your business.
  • Practical guidance to achieve financial success, gain back time and to actually enjoy your career again.
  • ​You need the overwhelming tasks broken down into simple steps and effective strategies to not only boost your confidence in decision-making and sales but also allow you to reclaim time for yourself.
We know you are busy so we'll make this quick...
  • A tired, worn out health practitioner who is good at what you do. 
  • ​Overwhelmed with countless questions and a lack of clarity about your direction.
  • ​Frustrated not knowing how to reach your ideal clients or how to make effective sales calls.
  • ​Feeling stuck in your business and fear of failure looming over you.
  • ​But yearn for something more beyond your day-to-day patient/client care.
  • The master of you - clients are coming and going in unpredictable ways.
  • ​You don’t know how to forecast future earnings or expenses to make informed decisions.
  • ​The shotgun approach to getting clients has worked to get your business up and running but now you need to scale.
  • ​You've bumped up against the time for money ceiling.
  • ​You are afraid you’re burning out not having the time, energy or know-how to change things.
  • A steady stream of awesome clients, who are fun to work with, and who are committed to results.
  • ​Leverage in your business so your time isn’t required for everything to earn your next dollar. 
  • ​You don’t want to always be THE ONE to do the work.
  • ​And you want financial and time freedom - no longer feeling like a slave to your business.
  • Practical guidance to achieve financial success, gain back time and to actually enjoy your career again.
  • ​You need the overwhelming tasks broken down into simple steps and effective strategies to not only boost your confidence in decision-making and sales but also allow you to reclaim time for yourself.
Through building valuable relationships and taking one step at a time, you truly can experience a transformation of your business, enjoy a balanced life while thriving in your career once again.
“My life is totally different. I have a full practice. I'm actually, I have a waiting list now and I am developing my next move. And all of my programs are very developed. My voice is developed, my message is developed, and it's all because I stuck with the program.” - Dr. Jenn Simmons 
And this one thing results in reclaiming your time, boosting your revenue, and positioning your status as the go-to expert in your field?

This is income + impact.
“I learned how to filter out people who are going to waste my time on sales calls because they're not a fit for me and how to prepare people so they show up to the call, ready to make a decision and buy." - TRACI POTTERF, PHD
Build Your Income Stream BLUEPRINT
Unlock Your 6-7 Figure Income Stream Potential
Elevate Your Earning Potential Without Draining Your Time. Serving More, 
Thriving More, and Building a Legacy That Matters
What's included:
Four months of weekly support
Bite-sized trainings and easy-to-complete “Blueprints” that include implementation checklists, fill-in templates, and example marketing assets. Easy to digest and quick to complete. All housed within a centralized hub for all program materials, keeping you organized and on track.

($2600 Value)
12 live coaching calls
to get personalized feedback and recommendations from the Mindshare Mentor team - other successful health business owners who answer all of your questions and share their personal experience to support your success.

($3600 Value)
Community WhatsApp feed
for live connections between calls. Forge peer relationships, expand your network, and 
discover collaborative opportunities that will 
accelerate your success.

Get the Keys to the Mindshare Marketing Vault
Packed with the hottest marketing tactics for health business owners today. Whether you want low tech, low cost easy-to-implement strategies or the more advanced digital marketing and joint venture strategies, we’ve got you covered.

“Get New Clients” Challenges
Short, dynamic challenges, sprinkled throughout the program provide the essential support you need to enroll your first 5-10 clients into your exciting new income stream. Earn back your program investment during the program like so many others have before you.

Bring a team member FREE!
One team member may attend the ISB calls and take the trainings keeping you in the visionary role while having a valued team member who can do the doing.

($4995 Value)
"I buttoned up my business and focus: I had staff put together a work log and found big areas for improvement! I made extra 6K just trying to tidy up work flows and pt communication."
Here’s what you’ll accomplish:
“Everybody’s getting results, significant. Others are coming in. They want to come in because they’re looking at their spouses significant under saying, Wow, this is great, they’ve got energy, they feel better.”
DAN and shannon smith
"They've given a very specific sequence of steps which, because of the other things we've been a part of, have truly impacted our ability to create a leverageable product of something that we were literally doing one-on-one or to small groups of people. We didn't even really know that it could be done in a leverageable way, and we are currently getting to experience the benefits and getting the phone calls and the emails of the people's lives whom we're transforming as a part of what it is, the structure that they have created to help us do that."
debi robinson
"The structure of the group, it actually helps you go back to the start line, really get yourself to be super focused on what it is that you should specialize in, could specialize in whatever it is you do to really narrow down the focus."
Tanya Beaubrun
"What I got out of the program was far greater than I would ever have imagined. I mean, I never thought I'd be on Oprah, or launch a Caribbean wide movement. So just by getting clear on what I was doing on who I was, getting clear on my worth, getting clear on my process and my systems allowed me to evolve into the person that has done all that and will be doing so much more."
“What <the program> did for me is it gave me clarity, I have a package that I can sell… I created this package $6,297. Last week, I sold 12.”
DR. bryce applebaum
"And the coolest part of all this is the high ticket offer that I'm now offering of having patients fly in for this kind of VIP intensive treatment. It was something I was already doing was already right in front of me but barely I was barely scratching the surface in terms of what was possible and how to really position it as this irresistible offer that nobody else you know, could live without. And literally like just follow the steps they make you do his homework. There's ways to show up and it absolutely works is working and I'm just getting started with all this."
Marivi Gonzalez
"Without joining Mindshare, my business would be the same as it was, trading time for dollars, being 24/7 with anxiety, didn't know what to do next. I had so many ideas that I wanted to implement, but I couldn't choose which one to go for. So it totally changed my business the way I feel about more confidence, that I can make good decisions that are going to be really successful in the future."
Lorraine Maita
“After joining <the program>, now I can do discovery calls with ease, have a clear and simple description of my process and my conversion rates for discovery calls have more than doubled. I have more confidence to ask for what I am worth and more readily connect with my ideal clients.”
Training 1: Choose Your New Income Stream
Step into a new reality of leveraged income:
Learn the most profitable income streams for health businesses - and how to launch them without sacrificing your health.

Uncover the ultimate time leverage tools to work less while making more.

Redefine how you offer your services, ensuring your time doesn't define your income.

Conquer your doubts and confidently raise your rates, transcending the limits and burden of being underpaid.
Training 2: Niche Your New Income Stream
Escape the relentless grind of day-to-day client/patient care:
Niching is the foundation for being able to work with precisely who you enjoy working with and who you can facilitate transformation for the most.

Imagine focusing on one type of client or patient, addressing one specific problem and becoming recognized as a go-to expert. Reignite your joy for your work again!

Niching unlocks the potential for significant financial growth. It naturally elevates your value in the market enabling you to double or triple what you would normally charge.

Making more money leads to needing fewer clients. Work less, make more. Take vacations. Spend time with family. And enjoy self-care.

Even if you think you already have a niche – trust us… you probably don’t. We are here with the blueprint to effectively niching your new income stream.
Training 3: Package Your New Income Stream
Breakthrough the time and income ceiling 
once and for all:
Packaging your new income stream versus providing open-ended, one-off sessions and services gets you off the hamster wheel of clients coming and going to having a waiting list of people

Imagine what you are currently doing everyday becoming a signature system for your ideal client's success
Priced to easily double or triple what you are currently charging because the focus is on the transformation.

All leveraged to avoid burnout, requiring less of your time to deliver than how you are currently working, while no longer worrying about how you’ll keep the lights on.
Training 4: Message Your New Income Stream to Attract Ideal Clients
Our Attraction Messaging Blueprint, our step-by-step method for creating magnetizing copy:
Magnetically draw in the right people to your new income stream. Ideal clients who already know, like and trust you.

Reignite your joy for the work again - knowing you can feel the fulfillment and satisfaction of helping your most ideal clients achieve their health goals.

Have a line of ideal clients wrapped around the block – ready and eager to work with you because as soon as they hear or read your message they instantly feel you can help them.

Enjoy having the confidence in knowing what to say and how to say it to attract clients who are the perfect fit for your new income stream.
Training 5: Test Your New Income Stream - Enroll Warm Leads
Bring them into your new income stream so that you can get to testing and optimizing fast – and before spending too much time, energy and money:
Feel well-prepared to confidently approach the warm leads already in your world and enroll them into your exciting new income stream.

Go from feeling overwhelmed by too many ideas or not knowing what to do next, to having a structure and a sequence of steps to ensure your new income stream is viable.

Apply “test don’t guess” to your new income stream. Enroll 5 - 10 warm leads into it before investing a lot of time, money and avoid the “will this work” guesswork. 

Move beyond the fear of being seen or what might happen if no one wants what you have to offer. Remove the risk with our testing phase built into the New Income Stream Blueprint system.
Karyn Forsyth Duggan
"And I had my most effortless enrollment. I remember when I saw that as the thing, I was like, oh, this stupid name somebody came up with, I was like, it was such a joy to have this conversation with this woman. I'm like, I wanted to give her a hug. I was like, I'm joking out. But literally I was like, it was giving away prizes. You are my prize client."
“We’re working smarter, not harder. We’re actually doing less and providing better services.”
Dr. Kiera Smailek
"In the past six months, I have been able to double my prices, which meant that leading into 2024, I was able to see half the number of patients but still make the same amount of money and have way more time to basically work on my business and begin to think about other possibilities for other ways to grow my business. So since doing that, I mean, six months ago, none of this was ever even a thought of a possibility in my mind."
Dr. Jenn Simmons
“So the day that I held the masterclass, and we sold I think 32 spots, we made $19,000 that day. And during the time that I was in the program, I got 23 new patients, 23. I didn't have 23 new patients in the whole year prior. And just in the window when I was doing the program, I got 23 new patients. So it really made all the difference in the world for me, for my practice, for my confidence, because it's hard to continue to go out there and really serve people and care for them when you don't feel like you're winning.”
“Before joining <the program> I would put together program after program but not do all the work sequentially to set them up correctly then never launch it. With <the program> I was finally able to see my blocks in my progress and where I had gone wrong in my DIY approach. I finally have a niche narrowed down and the complete framework to launch a program that I am proud of.”
Training 6: Effortlessly Enroll High Value Clients into Your New Income Stream
Enjoy the confidence and pride that comes from knowing you can get on the phone and enroll a premium client at any time.
Actually, enjoy connecting with potential clients on enrollment calls - no more anxiety or worry if they will or will not buy 

Guide them to a decision even before getting on the phone with them, using our step-by-step effortless enrollment process.

Feel confident addressing objections and dancing with concerns no more awkward “what do I say?” worries.

Fully embrace your personal value, feeling proud and confident sharing your offer

Step into an even more empowered version of you – and the transformation you provide.
Training 7: Promote Your New Income Stream
Access to a marketing gold mine - The Mindshare Marketing Vault full of actionable strategies to promote your new income stream and attract ideal clients.
Move beyond the realm of shiny objects or false promises of quick wins and access the Mindshare 

Marketing Vault packed with strategies that work for health business owners.

Access trainings on:
  • Lead Magnets
  • ​Email nurture sequences
  • ​Webinar launch
  • ​Speaking online- summits and podcasts
Each marketing training in the Mindshare Marketing Vault includes short video training and blueprints with easy to follow implementation checklists and fill-in templates to get your marketing up and running quickly.
Training 8 & 9: Create a surge of clients for your New Income Stream
Webinar Launch and High Converting Webinar Blueprints
Confidently create your launch plan for your new income stream using our Webinar Launch and High Converting Webinar Blueprints. 

Understand the best time to do a webinar launch for your new income stream, how to fill your webinar and build an email list of potential buyers.

Remove the guesswork of what to say on your webinar and when to say it, to get the best conversions to your new income stream.

Confidently make your offer on your webinar and have a follow up sequence in place to capture the people who are on the fence.

Increase the show up rate for your webinar using our pre-webinar email sequence, ensuring you have the most people LIVE on your webinar to hear your offer and make the purchase.
Training 10 - 12: Uplevel your Business
Enjoy your work and your life:
Define your version of success and your key levers to uplevel your time, your team, and your personal transformation as a practitioner and business owner

Perhaps you don’t want to be tied to a geographic location? Perhaps you want to hire support for your new income stream? Perhaps you want to overcome the anxiety of, “How do I get it all done?” Answer these questions and create the plan to upleveling your business.

Create the plan for avoiding burnout, taking more vacations and enjoying life.

Grab our list of recommended Income amplifiers and time leveragers to further reduce your time investment in delivering your new income stream and the guesswork over where your next client will come from

Identify your exact location on our Health Business Ascension Model and see your path to creating the health business you’ve been dreaming of.
Here’s what you’ll accomplish:
Training 1: Choose Your New Income Stream
Step into a new reality of leveraged income:
Learn the most profitable income streams for health businesses - and how to launch them without sacrificing your health.

Uncover the ultimate time leverage tools to work less while making more.

Redefine how you offer your services, ensuring your time doesn't define your income.

Conquer your doubts and confidently raise your rates, transcending the limits and burden of being underpaid.
“Everybody’s getting results, significant. Others are coming in. They want to come in because they’re looking at their spouses significant under saying, Wow, this is great, they’ve got energy, they feel better.”
DAN and shannon smith
"They've given a very specific sequence of steps which, because of the other things we've been a part of, have truly impacted our ability to create a leverageable product of something that we were literally doing one-on-one or to small groups of people. We didn't even really know that it could be done in a leverageable way, and we are currently getting to experience the benefits and getting the phone calls and the emails of the people's lives whom we're transforming as a part of what it is, the structure that they have created to help us do that."
Training 2: Niche Your New Income Stream
Escape the relentless grind of day-to-day client/patient care:
Niching is the foundation for being able to work with precisely who you enjoy working with and who you can facilitate transformation for the most.

Imagine focusing on one type of client or patient, addressing one specific problem and becoming recognized as a go-to expert. Reignite your joy for your work again!

Niching unlocks the potential for significant financial growth. It naturally elevates your value in the market enabling you to double or triple what you would normally charge.

Making more money leads to needing fewer clients. Work less, make more. Take vacations. Spend time with family. And enjoy self-care.

Even if you think you already have a niche – trust us… you probably don’t. We are here with the blueprint to effectively niching your new income stream.
debi robinson
"The structure of the group, it actually helps you go back to the start line, really get yourself to be super focused on what it is that you should specialize in, could specialize in whatever it is you do to really narrow down the focus."
Tanya Beaubrun
"What I got out of the program was far greater than I would ever have imagined. I mean, I never thought I'd be on Oprah, or launch a Caribbean wide movement. So just by getting clear on what I was doing on who I was, getting clear on my worth, getting clear on my process and my systems allowed me to evolve into the person that has done all that and will be doing so much more."
Training 3: Package Your New Income Stream
Breakthrough the time and income ceiling once and for all:
Packaging your new income stream versus providing open-ended, one-off sessions and services gets you off the hamster wheel of clients coming and going to having a waiting list of people

Imagine what you are currently doing everyday becoming a signature system for your ideal client's success
Priced to easily double or triple what you are currently charging because the focus is on the transformation.

All leveraged to avoid burnout, requiring less of your time to deliver than how you are currently working, while no longer worrying about how you’ll keep the lights on.
“What <the program> did for me is it gave me clarity, I have a package that I can sell… I created this package $6,297. Last week, I sold 12.”
DR. bryce applebaum
"And the coolest part of all this is the high ticket offer that I'm now offering of having patients fly in for this kind of VIP intensive treatment. It was something I was already doing was already right in front of me but barely I was barely scratching the surface in terms of what was possible and how to really position it as this irresistible offer that nobody else you know, could live without. And literally like just follow the steps they make you do his homework. There's ways to show up and it absolutely works is working and I'm just getting started with all this."
Training 4: Message Your New Income Stream to Attract Ideal Clients
Our Attraction Messaging Blueprint, our step-by-step method for creating magnetizing copy:
Magnetically draw in the right people to your new income stream. Ideal clients who already know, like and trust you.

Reignite your joy for the work again - knowing you can feel the fulfillment and satisfaction of helping your most ideal clients achieve their health goals.

Have a line of ideal clients wrapped around the block – ready and eager to work with you because as soon as they hear or read your message they instantly feel you can help them.

Enjoy having the confidence in knowing what to say and how to say it to attract clients who are the perfect fit for your new income stream.
Marivi Gonzalez
"Without joining Mindshare, my business would be the same as it was, trading time for dollars, being 24/7 with anxiety, didn't know what to do next. I had so many ideas that I wanted to implement, but I couldn't choose which one to go for. So it totally changed my business the way I feel about more confidence, that I can make good decisions that are going to be really successful in the future."
DAN and shannon smith
"We're in a very unique place because we literally would not be able to have the business that we have right now, what is being created, which is going to impact many, many, many people in just a profound way. We literally would not have this business."
Training 5: Test Your New Income Stream - Enroll Warm Leads
Bring them into your new income stream so that you can get to testing and optimizing fast – and before spending too much time, energy and money:
Feel well-prepared to confidently approach the warm leads already in your world and enroll them into your exciting new income stream.

Go from feeling overwhelmed by too many ideas or not knowing what to do next, to having a structure and a sequence of steps to ensure your new income stream is viable.

Apply “test don’t guess” to your new income stream. Enroll 5 - 10 warm leads into it before investing a lot of time, money and avoid the “will this work” guesswork. 

Move beyond the fear of being seen or what might happen if no one wants what you have to offer. Remove the risk with our testing phase built into the New Income Stream Blueprint system.
Lorraine Maita
“After joining <the program>, I now do discovery calls with ease, have a clear and simple description of my process and my conversion rates for discovery calls have more than doubled. I have more confidence to ask for what I am worth and more readily connect with my ideal clients.”
Karyn Forsyth Duggan
"And I had my most effortless enrollment. I remember when I saw that as the thing, I was like, oh, this stupid name somebody came up with, I was like, it was such a joy to have this conversation with this woman. I'm like, I wanted to give her a hug. I was like, I'm joking out. But literally I was like, it was giving away prizes. You are my prize client."
Training 6: 
Effortlessly Enroll High Value Clients into Your New Income Stream
Enjoy the confidence and pride that comes from knowing you can get on the phone and enroll a premium client at any time.
Actually, enjoy connecting with potential clients on enrollment calls - no more anxiety or worry if they will or will not buy 

Guide them to a decision even before getting on the phone with them, using our step-by-step effortless enrollment process.

Feel confident addressing objections and dancing with concerns no more awkward “what do I say?” worries.

Fully embrace your personal value, feeling proud and confident sharing your offer

Step into an even more empowered version of you – and the transformation you provide.
“We’re working smarter, not harder. We’re actually doing less and providing better services.”
Dr. Kiera Smailek
"In the past six months, I have been able to double my prices, which meant that leading into 2024, I was able to see half the number of patients but still make the same amount of money and have way more time to basically work on my business and begin to think about other possibilities for other ways to grow my business. So since doing that, I mean, six months ago, none of this was ever even a thought of a possibility in my mind."
Training 7: Promote Your New Income Stream
Access to a marketing gold mine - The Mindshare Marketing Vault full of actionable strategies to promote your new income stream and attract ideal clients.
Move beyond the realm of shiny objects or false promises of quick wins and access the Mindshare 

Marketing Vault packed with strategies that work for health business owners.

Access trainings on:
  • Lead Magnets
  • ​Email nurture sequences
  • ​Webinar launch
  • ​Speaking online- summits and podcasts
Each marketing training in the Mindshare Marketing Vault includes short video training and blueprints with easy to follow implementation checklists and fill-in templates to get your marketing up and running quickly.
Dr. Jenn Simmons
“So the day that I held the masterclass, and we sold I think 32 spots, we made $19,000 that day. And during the time that I was in the program, I got 23 new patients, 23. I didn't have 23 new patients in the whole year prior. And just in the window when I was doing the program, I got 23 new patients. So it really made all the difference in the world for me, for my practice, for my confidence, because it's hard to continue to go out there and really serve people and care for them when you don't feel like you're winning.”
“Before joining <the program> I would put together program after program but not do all the work sequentially to set them up correctly then never launch it. With <the program> I was finally able to see my blocks in my progress and where I had gone wrong in my DIY approach. I finally have a niche narrowed down and the complete framework to launch a program that I am proud of.”
Training 8 & 9: 
Create a surge of clients for your New Income Stream
Webinar Launch and High Converting Webinar Blueprints
Confidently create your launch plan for your new income stream using our Webinar Launch and High Converting Webinar Blueprints. 

Understand the best time to do a webinar launch for your new income stream, how to fill your webinar and build an email list of potential buyers.

Remove the guesswork of what to say on your webinar and when to say it, to get the best conversions to your new income stream.

Confidently make your offer on your webinar and have a follow up sequence in place to capture the people who are on the fence.

Increase the show up rate for your webinar using our pre-webinar email sequence, ensuring you have the most people LIVE on your webinar to hear your offer and make the purchase.
"I didn't know that I could set up my business because I'm from Panama, set it up in the US so that I was able to see clients globally. I was able to set up my business and then to start working with clients all the world, from Mexico to Australia. I have clients. It's wonderful because I am no longer tied to a geographic position. I can just serve more people that way."
Training 10 - 12: 
Uplevel your Business
Enjoy your work and your life:
Define your version of success and your key levers to uplevel your time, your team, and your personal transformation as a practitioner and business owner

Perhaps you don’t want to be tied to a geographic location? Perhaps you want to hire support for your new income stream? Perhaps you want to overcome the anxiety of, “How do I get it all done?” Answer these questions and create the plan to upleveling your business.

Create the plan for avoiding burnout, taking more vacations and enjoying life.

Grab our list of recommended Income amplifiers and time leveragers to further reduce your time investment in delivering your new income stream and the guesswork over where your next client will come from

Identify your exact location on our Health Business Ascension Model and see your path to creating the health business you’ve been dreaming of.
"When you start speaking to your avatar, when you know as much as you need to know about your avatar, then your words, your copy becomes what they want to and need to hear, so that it's like giving candy to a baby. It becomes such an easy sell. And I see that on discovery calls. I can tell how primed somebody is because the words that are spoken by me and what I've learned to put myself into that niche, I am able to speak the language I need to speak to actually get the sale to happen." - DEBI ROBINSON
Who we are and why you want to learn from us
We are founded by JJ Virgin. Triple-board certified nutrition expert and Fitness Hall of Famer JJ Virgin has launched 3 multimillion-dollar businesses, including a 7-figure personal brand. 

She is a 3x Inc. 5000 Founder and a top 10 finalist for the John C Maxwell award. As an authority on transformational leadership, she has coached some of the biggest names in health and transformed the lives of millions of people around the world. 

JJ is a prominent TV and media personality who co-hosted TLC’s Freaky Eaters and was the nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil. She’s made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and The TODAY Show.
Dr. Heather Paulson has been through it all, from digital marketing with online summits to leading a multi-practitioner brick and mortar clinic. Along the way to building her email list from 0 – 25,000 people she learned a lot of lessons by first making mistakes on her own and then pivoting into easier ways of doing business with guidance, coaching, and finding a group of like minded practitioners in Mindshare. 

Utilizing the processes of building authority with a bestselling book and creating a digital platform and funnels for her in person services, virtual consulting, and digital training products she was able to retire from her clinical practice and move to Peru to enjoy a slower pace of life, surrounded by nature, and plenty of fresh grown healthy food. 
Nat Kringoudis is your good dose of support, guidance and cheerleader all rolled into one. She’s here to help you up-level your business and to tap into the good, the bad, and the ugly mistakes she’s made in her 20 years as a health expert and multiple business owner so that you don’t have to. Whether you’re a practitioner, health advocate, leader, or just a badass in your industry, she wants you to learn from her mistakes, so that you don’t make bad choices and helps you be the best version of yourself, in business.

Nat is a 2 x best selling author, 2 x podcaster, Doctor of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, household name with over 18 years in the industry. From books to podcasts, product creation, marketing, content creation, branding…. If she’s done what you want to do, she’s here to help you achieve it. Consider time with Nat a slip-stream towards your very best business.
Ileka Falette is a Business Strategist. She works with businesses & entrepreneurs who want to become more profitable and reduce the time they are spending in their businesses so they can also enjoy life. She uses visibility strategies, productivity hacks, and process improvement tools so they can work less, live more, and feel better while they Reclaim Their Revenue.

Ileka has a very diverse background including 20+ years in business strategy & leadership coaching for Fortune 100 companies, is a certified Project Management Professional, Lean Six Sigma Blackbelt, as well as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer who has worked with 1000s of women to achieve wellness & weight loss goals, all while being a married mom of 4 young children. Given this, she has definitely cracked the code on time management and productivity.
Jessica Pantermuehl is a brand strategist, AI specialist, and business and marketing educator for health and wellness professionals. She teaches marketing at the Sonoran University of Health Sciences and the Nutritional Therapy Association and is the Founder and Director of the Holistic Entrepreneur Association, a membership organization that provides business tools and resources to practitioners in over 25 countries. Jessica also owns and operates Custom Wellness Content, a white label online course creation business which has placed her wellness courses in the hands of over 100k end users through 
e-commerce wellness brands.

With a decade of experience as a practitioner herself, both in private practice and as the head of nutrition counseling for an integrative medical practice in Los Angeles, having supported health and wellness brands in the corporate space from digital marketing strategy to full rebrand execution, and having consulted for individual practitioners, Jessica understands the breadth and scope of the business challenges faced by health professionals today and provides support to help them navigate those challenges successfully.
Lauren Powers is a 7-figure business marketing coach helping doctors, dentists and small business owners NOT SUCK at business. She currently serves as president of Microsite Digital Marketing agency where she has helped hundreds of healthcare practitioners generate millions of dollars in revenue through their coaching and advertising services. Lauren is a business coach for Mindshare Collaborative, the largest global consortium of practitioners across specialties.

She is an active philanthropist and Founder of the HBCU Legacy Foundation, an organization focused on financially supporting, mentoring, and coaching Black students to successful employment post-graduation. 

After going through her own experiences of founding and running one of the largest gyms in Atlanta for over a decade, working in a sales and marketing capacity for 7 fortune 100 healthcare organizations, and supporting over 100 start-ups, she can easily coach a hungry entrepreneur to success.
Mary Agnes Antonopoulos is a well known speaker, freelance writer and marketing strategist. She has designed and implemented over 30,000 email campaigns and product launches for wonderful colleagues and clients, such as New York Times best-selling authors JJ Virgin, Jack Canfield, Dr. Isabella Wentz, Dr. Alan Christianson and Jordan Belfort (The Wolf of Wall Street), as well as a long and prestigious list of leaders in functional medicine and personal development.
  • Email copy and structure
  • ​List management, especially re segmentation, re-engagement and abandoned cart
  • ​YouTube and video scripting and how to
  • ​Content curation (to drill down / utilize large events into mini courses and lead magnets)
  • ​Easy paid ads through the HealthMeans ad portal ($2 per lead, via a focused eGuide)
Here's what a Mindshare Member has to say...
“Before joining <the program> I was getting stuck in the one-to-one trap; too limited. Now I have a much better vision of how to move forward, in a very practical way, loads of practical info that I can refer to, plus a new community I can reach out to when needed. In <the program>, it has felt like a family from very early on. That’s hard to set up for us, and for that, I thank you.”
- Dr. Wendy Warner
Founder of Medicine in Balance
($500 VALUE)
People often decide in seconds whether they want to work with you. Your bio can be a deal-maker or deal-breaker when it comes to your business success.

Watch this training with Sam Horn, CEO of The Intrigue Agency, to discover what makes a great bio and how to create a winning bio of your own.
Million Dollar Model
($500 VALUE)
For practitioners in our industry, there have rarely been OPTIONS OTHER than opening a clinic or being a clinic associate - and functioning solely in the 1:1 patient care model.

Watch Dr. Meghan Walkers talk, "Million Dollar Model," where she proposes a NEW model of care that provides opportunities to scale and provide greater financial security for all who practice.
12 mos - paid directory 
+ event calendar
($297 VALUE)
Find and Be Found. Mindshare community = Private Access to the World’s Leading Community of Health and Wellness Influencers and Entrepreneurs.

And, DON’T MISS A DATE with our Industry Events calendar. Trying to plan your next book launch? Looking for the best time to host your online summit? Have a promotion you’d like community support with? Explore the Event Directory to see when other members have already planned their promotions before selecting your date so there’s a greater opportunity to collaborate and less competition for affiliate support. Plan events at the right time to maximize your efforts and results.
Mike Koenigs
AI Playbook + Live Workshop 
($2000 VALUE)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Dean JacksonS
9-Word Email Live Workshop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Full Value: $18,492 (+priceless)
Get Instant Access to 
the Reclaim Time and Money Training
A proven game-changer for previous participants, leading to remarkable five and six-figure savings. Take this training – implement the steps and easily reclaim at least $5K (and 5 hours per week) - instantly paying off your ISB investment like others have before you!
Maria Mellano addressed time and money leaks, reclaiming $10,000 by auditing and cleaning up her billing.
Sinclair Kennally reclaimed ~$30K in her first pass – then reclaimed another $100K
What is the Build Your Income Stream Blueprint?
The Build Your Income Stream Blueprint is a comprehensive training program designed for health business owners who want to create and fill a new 
income stream. It provides you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to leverage your expertise and generate a lucrative income while maintaining a fulfilling personal life.
How long is the program, and what's the time commitment each week?
The program spans four months and includes weekly coaching calls, and access to resources. You or a team member can expect to invest around 5 hours per 
week in the program to fully participate and implement the strategies.
What kind of support is available during the program?
Throughout the blueprint, you'll have access to live coaching calls, a private Facebook group for networking and peer support, and various resources to help you implement what you learn. Our mentors and experts are also available to answer your questions and 
provide guidance.
Who is best suited for the program?
This program is for the “successfully stuck” health business owner who's been in practice for a while and working fee-for-service without left-over time to make more money. 

It is also for the “poorly paid thought leader” who has established a following but needs a way to convert them to clients..They need a way to convert their impact 
into income.
What if I'm too busy right now? Can I join later?
We understand that life can get busy. However, the blueprint is designed to help you streamline your efforts and create more time for yourself in the long run. 
If you're serious about transforming your health business, now is the best time to join.
What happens after I complete the program?
After completing the blueprint, you'll have a clear roadmap to continue building and scaling your 
new income stream. You'll also have access to the course portal for 6 weeks after the program completes and will have the chance to re-enroll as an alumni for future cohorts.
Join the Build Your Income 
Stream BLUEPRINT today!
Elevate Your Earning Potential Without Draining Your Time
Serve More, Thrive More, and Build a Legacy That Matters.

NOTE: This Site is for healthcare professionals only, and is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. This is not a business opportunity. No income opportunity is being presented in this web-class. You are registering for training to assist you in getting clients for your existing healthcare business.
DISCLAIMER: The sales figures and results discussed on this page and our call are our personal results and in some cases the sales figures and results of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who watches “how to” information webinars or books calls get little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PARTICIPATE.

© 2022 Mindshare Collaborative. All rights reserved. PRIVACY POLICY TERMS AND CONDITIONS. DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion